Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer Wines

I'm pretty much a white wine drinker. I think I've established that already. And I prefer Chardonnays.

I've heard people talk about a "summer wine," and frankly, dismissed it. I figured I like what I like and I know what I like and what I like is Chardonnays.

The weather warmed up (finally - I think this was the longest winter on record in the Central Valley), and one day Wine Snob Hubby and I finished the day with a glass of wine on the back patio. I think the mercury had reached into the 90s for the first time.

I sipped my Chardonnay, eager for its refreshment. And ... nothing. It sat on my palate and refused to do anything for me.

The next night, just for a change, WSH pulled out a Pinot Grigio. "Let's try this, it's a little lighter."

Ahhh. It was light and crisp and a perfect complement to the warm day.

Unfortunately, I forgot to check the label so I don't know what it was.

I won't make that mistake twice.

And now I have a summer wine to enjoy.